17 de julho de 2018

Post Doctoral Posi,on at the Laboratory of Forest Management,
University of Lavras


We are seeking applicants with a PhD in forest sciences, geography or other related disciplines associated to a demonstrated experience in land cover mapping and monitoring. Compe,,ve applicants must have a demonstrated knowledge in image processing and the ArcGIS environment, experience in programming (IDL, R or Python) to manage big datasets, ability to interact and collaborate with other scien,sts and students, record of publica,on in the peer-reviewed literature as a first author, self-mo,va,on, cri,cal thinking and communica,on skills. Fluent
wriMen English is required.


The post-doctoral scien,st will conduct specific tasks: (1) to aid wri,ng scien,fic manuscripts as demanded, (2) to perform data processing as demanded, (3) to work in collabora,on and s,mulate cri,cal discussions with the colleagues of the project, (4) to provide enthusias,c guidance and assistance to the students carrying out related works.


This posi,on will remain open un,l a suitable candidate is found.


Beginning: as soon as the posi,on is filled. The grant, set at $ 4,500 Brazilian Reais per month, is guaranteed for six month, with possibility of extension for a second semester. Funding is available for travel costs to aMend project-related team mee,ngs, field work and conferences.


Interested applicants should contact RH LEMAF (rh@lemaf.ufla.br) by sending the candidature in form of a single pdf including (1) a cover leMer explaining how the skills required for this posi,on are met, (2) a complete CV, (3) transcripts of master and PhD cer,ficates, and (4) names and contact informa,on for three references.

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